🚨WEF Insider: 2024 Election Will Be Disrupted by an Upcoming "False Flag" Cyberattack‼️
According to a WEF insider, the time for the global elite's Noah's Ark moment is almost here.
They warn that last-minute plans are being made for a catastrophic cyberattacks on the US power grid that will cut off the public's access to the internet, destroy savings, and send the country into years of chaos.
This will give the elite the opportunity to implement the next stage of their totalitarian master plan.
PLC's are hacked at the grids of most power plants that are still connected to the internet. They will allow over amperage to smart meters and start fires. They can also just turn everyone power off and keep it off until everything is manually overridden. #Agenda21 #Agenda2030
The people Davos is referring to as the "Technological Noah's Ark" will save individuals that the WEF has classified as "upgraded humans," while the rest of humanity will be left to wage a losing battle for existence.
Those who are paying attention are witnessing proof of the deceit right in front of their eyes as preparations are being made for the false flag incident.
Voters in South Carolina's primary were allegedly unable to cast ballots late last week because ballot tabulators were unable to establish an internet connection.
The idea that vote counting devices were online was long disregarded by the mainstream media as a ludicrous conspiracy notion.
Is there anything they aren't lying to us on at this time, it is worth asking?
The Covid epidemic set the stage for the global elite's grand deception, teaching the public to react to fear-based programming; the cyberattack will be the last straw.
First, let’s take a look at what Klaus Schwab has already said on the matter. And pay attention to his body language.
It's not necessary to be an expert in body language to pick up on Professor Schwab's insane enthusiasm on the significant cyberattack. https://joshwhotv.com/video/87235
In order to launch their new CBDC financial Ponzi scheme, the WEF and the UN staged a cyberattack. They claim that "Russia" or "right-wing extremists" are to blame for the banks collapsing and the globe going into anarchy.
Get ready. The scare tactic that was employed during COVID-19 will be employed once more.
People will need to have a digital ID and a CBDC in order to engage with others in society.
The first section of the digital jail that the elite want to imprison us in has already started to roll out.
The US and UK are witnessing the emergence of 15-minute cities, with London retailers asking patrons to show a digital code in order to enter and purchase necessities.
Naturally, once they pull out their false flag, the elite have someone lined up to take the fall.
It should come as no surprise that they will point the finger upon conservatives and purported conspiracy theorists. Pre-programming has already started in mainstream media.
Great report....