"Spygate" | Comey, Strauk, Clapper, Brennan | Bre Payton Murdered after disclosing Mueller ordered the destruction of evidence; TREASON

#OperationCrossfireHurricane #CrossfireHurricane

Comparable to the biggest felon who got away with everything was Hillary Clinton. It's absurd how they try to demonize Trump for little🎻 infractions while allowing Hillary to get away with🧨💥 federal offenses and treason against the US🧐#OperationCrossfireHurricane #CrossfireHurricane

JoshWho News SeekingTheTruth
JoshWho News SeekingTheTruth Podcast
Learn what the government doesn't want you to know. Fact‼️ The most Censored Person in the world‼️ Everything you was taught is a lie!!! 🕵️‍♂️Check my 🔥THREADS🔥 🔍✨TruthSeeker #SeekingTheTruth