🚨Last week, HAARP conducted an experiment to create "artificial airglows."
A magnificent display of the Aurora Borealis was experienced by several individuals from various regions of the globe last week.
Even in regions of the world where such an occurrence would typically be extremely uncommon, the event was witnessed.
Many claim it was caused by extraordinary solar activity, including the MSM, but there is another idea that believes it might be connected to HAARP experiments.
The timing is intriguing, or is it just a coincidence that a press release announcing a HAARP experiment scheduled for May 8–10, 2024 was released early in the month?
Expose News reports: AI search summaries reveal that HAARP was conducting tests to intentionally manufacture aurora-like glows, or "airglow," in the ionosphere on the same day that the aurora borealis was visible around the northern hemisphere.
Lately, the northern lights, or aurora borealis, have been a breathtaking sight in the night sky.
There were aurora sightings on May 10, 2024, in several regions of the planet, including Europe, Asia, and the United States.
The dazzling display of the northern lights was allegedly created by a severe geomagnetic storm resulting from a solar flare. In addition to disrupting communication and electricity grids, the storm was powerful enough to produce amazing visuals for those who were lucky enough to witness it.
The northern states of the United States as well as the southern states of Alabama and California were among those where aurora sightings were reported. https://expose-news.com/2024/05/13/haarps-aurora-switch-was-turned-on-last-week/
In Europe, the UK, Germany, and Norway were among the nations where the aurora was sighted.
The Space Weather Prediction Center of the National https://noaa.gov/stories/strong-geomagnetic-storm-reaches-earth-continues-through-weekend… Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicted on Friday that, weather allowing, the aurora may be visible once more this past weekend on Saturday and Sunday nights.
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme ("HAARP") experiment results may have been the basis for the Space Weather Prediction Center's forecast rather than actual natural occurrences.
Dr. Robert Malone searched for "HAARP aurora May 10" using the subscription-based artificial intelligence ("AI") tool Perplexity.
He then shared the results of his search on his Telegram channel, along with the sources the AI program consulted. Answer to confusion:
On May 10th, 2024, HAARP conducted experiments to artificially create aurora-like glows or “airglow” in the ionosphere by exciting electrons with high-frequency radio waves. The “Making the Invisible Visible” experiment tested if hot electrons produced by HAARP’s radio transmissions could generate an aurora-like phenomenon called STEVE (Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement).
I really believe they was attempting to knock power grids offline Globally but was sadly met with disappointment when they realized the majority of them are all magnetically shielded for such events. There was no Geomagnetic storm, it was all HAARP.