🚨EU Legalizes Child Porn While Pedophilia Normalization Agenda Drives Forward at the WEF‼️
🚨Spain now encourages pedophiles to parade their naked victims around the streets, Germany has decriminalized child pornography and bestiality, and France no longer has an age of consent statute.🧐
That's correct, the World Economic Forum led by Klaus Schwab and the blatant push to mainstream pedophilia and other forms of deviance in the West have taken hold in Europe. Schwab contends that the US has to embrace the EU's efforts to mainstream pedophilia and permit child sex with the same fervor. For Schwab and the other scoundrels that prowl the corridors of his globalist Davos headquarters, there is just one issue. We will never for his vile goal to become ingrained in our society. We're willing to die on this hill.
When Klaus said leap, far-left Germany replied how high. The World Economic Forum instructed penetrated cabinets in Western nations to normalize pedophilia by altering legislation.
The Federal Cabinet agreed to amend the criminal law's rules surrounding child sexual abuse material, making it illegal to possess or distribute child pornography in Germany.
As pedophilia becomes more and more common in the West, anyone caught in possession of child pornography will now be charged with misdemeanors rather than felonies, which means they will not go to jail for their crimes against children.
Tagesschau, a German news station, broke the horrifying revelation, https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/innenpolitik/kindesmissbrauch-strafrecht-reform-100.html stating that politicians reduced the crime of possessing child porn to a misdemeanor because there are too many pedophiles to imprison. Klaus Schwab was really pleased to hear that. The co-founder of WEF proclaimed that while the legal reform was a tiny step for Germany, it was a huge leap for humanity. However, this week's good news for the Davos elite did not stop there. In the spirit of tolerance and diversity, far-left groups in Spain, another EU nation, are now publicly endorsing pedophiles and pushing males who are in relationships with very young girls to parade their victims in public. For years, we have been alerting the LGBTQ rainbow community of the covert effort that pedophiles are conducting to gain acceptance. That was the main goal of the Minor Attracted Persons, or MAPS, rebranding initiative. This week's disturbing developments in Spain confirm that we have been right all along.