Ashley Biden Verifies That Her Journal Describes "Not Appropriate Showers With Joe" Is True
Ashley Biden wrote a letter to the court overseeing Aimee Harris's case, the woman who was charged with taking Ashley's diary, confirming its authenticity.
Joe Biden's daughter made it quite evident that the diary belonged to her in the letter she wrote to Chief Judge Swain of New York, which The New York Times was able to receive. She referred to it as her "personal private journal."
After portions of the diary were posted online and garnered media and public attention as a result of Joe Biden's immoral actions, the journal itself became controversial.
Ashley's diary detailed her father and her taking inappropriately-age showers together.
She stated in an entry from January 2019 that she has always been "boy crazy." Ashley composed a letter.
"Hypersexualized at an early age" I recall having some sexualization with a family member, having sex with friends when I was younger, and taking inappropriate showers with my dad.
Ashely Biden, whose private thoughts were described as "stream-of-consciousness" musings intended for personal recovery, expressed significant grief over the theft and subsequent public distribution of her private thoughts in an email, according to TGP.
She stood by the contents of her diary, claiming that they had been "grossly misinterpreted" and that they had been used to "lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love."
See her letter down below.
I am extremely sorry that I even need to write this letter since someone stole and sold my private journal for money. My assumption is that the purpose of the heist was to manipulate my stream-of-consciousness ideas so that I might sell hideous lies. I've made the decision not to physically attend tomorrow's sentence since doing so will just make me feel worse. Nevertheless, I am writing to request that Your Honor impose a prison sentence on the offender.
The defendant has completely violated my privacy and dignity, and their actions amount to one of the most egregious forms of bullying. In my early twenties, I was the victim of a crime and suffered from PTSD.
I used the stolen journal as part of my healing process.
The only reason I am being targeted as a private individual is because my father is a presidential candidate.
Put another way, Ms. Harris's actions undid all of the hard work I had done to overcome my trauma.
Because of the defendant's acts, I live in a state of perpetual fear, intimidation, and anxiety where my deepest thoughts are always being misinterpreted and controlled.
Even though this heinous crime occurred more than three years ago, I am continually frightened by it due to the notoriety it garnered—exactly as Ms. Harris wanted.
I will always have to live with the fact that anyone can read my private journal online. I constantly hear individuals seriously misconstrue what I once considered to be my private writings and level unfounded charges against me and the people I care about.
Her actions caused me to relive the terrible trauma they had caused me in the first place.
The deliberate actions of Ms. Harris are the reason for this continued injury.
I beg Your Honor to impose a prison term and a protracted probationary period on Ms. Harris. It is appropriate to hold her responsible for her actions. Not only did she exhibit a total disregard for morality, but she also shows little regard for the law. She has missed twelve court appearances, among other things.
In order to make sure that another woman is never again subjected to this kind of bullying and embarrassment, I am requesting that Your Honor impose a period of imprisonment. My frequent feelings of hopelessness won't really go away.
But I ask Your Honor to hold Ms. Harris accountable ( Yet not hold her father accountable to the details he did to her???) so that she thinks twice before doing it to someone else.
I have spent much of my life trying to speak up for those who cannot find their voices. I am fortunate enough to have found mine, and I use it today—and every day—to make sure that bullies are held accountable.
Finally, I worry that a non-incarceratory sentence will send a message to her and to others like her-that it is okay to violate and exploit others for your own personal gain, regardless of the humiliation and pain it causes. Please send a message that these types of damaging criminal actions will not be tolerated. I thank Your Honor for your consideration.
How fcked up is that? Instead of taking action to what was done to her by her father she wants to punish the person who exposed the secret being kept all these years of her abuse.
The SICKO runs free....