Revelation 9:1-2 That key is the Flaming Sword. Lucifers Flaming Sword. CERN is trying to replicate it so they can cut through space time and make portals, to other realms. April 8th 2024 Opening a
Or a fake Scare. Then hit later... Like Around April 19- 21 ish. They always hit around that time... Hitlers b day... WACO... Oklahoma City bombing...Gulf oil disaster...many others around that date... So in about 2 weeks... BEWARE...
Will CERN Trigger a new "VIRUS" in everyone or the Jabbed, WORLDWIDE when the turn it on During the ECLIPSE....??
I bet they will try the Alien Invasion plan and maybe nuke some other places.
Columbine April 20
Or a fake Scare. Then hit later... Like Around April 19- 21 ish. They always hit around that time... Hitlers b day... WACO... Oklahoma City bombing...Gulf oil disaster...many others around that date... So in about 2 weeks... BEWARE...
Totally... Perhaps... And a Barrage of Many different events at once..